Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thank you for your support

Thank you EVERYONE who supported, assisted, donated, volunteered, performed, worked, attended, and participated in our ISL 5K Spring Shuffle. 

Our Development Team truly appreciates it.

 All participation was important and it is wonderful to have counted with such an amazing team. Your presence and support were truly appreciated. (TO VIEW RACE RESULTS SCROLL DOWN)

Seeing smiling faces, lots of laughter, and so many attendees enjoying the race, the amazing weather, the food, the performances, the dancing, the kids painted faces and just having fun, was the most rewarding part of it! 

A special thanks to all of our sponsors and community supporters. Thank you Event Rentals and Jeanne Souto for their kind donation, Green Fork for their delicious smoothie samples, we all enjoyed them so much!  Thank you Pepperoni Café for the very popular and delicious pizzas, Honey Deux for their yummy and healthy wraps, smoothies, and bubble teas, and Katie & Co. for their awesome pop up boutique shop and for sponsoring our event. Thank you to Al’s Pest Control for their kind donation towards our event and to Elmer’s CheeWees for their amazing donation of CheeWee snacks.  Many thanks to our raffle donors, all our participants were excited about all the great prizes.  Thank you to The New Orleans Museum of Art, NOMA for their membership passes, Belladonna for their Spa certificate, BalanceIntegrative Health for their acupuncture session certificate, Zuka Baby for their gift certificate, National World War II Museum for their museum passes, and the Global Wild Life Reserve for their wagon passes.

To ISL 5K Spring Shuffle committee:
Mr. Ruben, Ms. Liz, Ms. Rachel, Ms. Laura, Mr. Lilian, Mr. Joe, Mr. Jason, Ms. Demayo, Ms. Charlotte, Mr. Pablo, Ms. Karlen, Ms. Rebecca, Ms. Mimi, Ms. Tiffany, Ms. Jia, Ms. Wendolyn, Ms. Isabelle, Ms. Tresa, Ms. Mary Beth, Mr. Mauricio and Ms. Cammie, Thank you for all your support and hard work to make this event a success. Thank you for getting up early and being present at our event.  We truly appreciate your commitment in bringing this wonderful event to all our ISL community.  It is great to work with teachers who are involved and care about their students health and wellness.

To our campus front line... 
Ms. AmandaMs. Martha, and Ms. CatalianMs. CinthiaMs. Janeen, and Ms. Daniela, thank you for your support, for collecting registrations, passing out flyers, putting up posters, replenishing registrations at the front office and helping promote the ISL 5k Spring Shuffle with our Students, families and teachers. 

Thank you to all of our teacher volunteers and the amazing ISL staff members who worked so hard to make this a successful and special event for all our participants. Special thanks to Ms. Javonda Mickens and Mr. Cleveland Stockman for donating their Saturday morning to check in our participants and manage our ticket sales, Ms. Susan Chapman for donating her time and bringing so much joy to all the children at the ISL 5K Spring Shuffle event with her wonderful face painting. Thank you to Mr. Julius Harris for his assistance in referring us to Dr. Griggs so that we could partner up and promote health and wellness to the Greater New Orleans Area, Mr. Eric Harris for all his assistance loading all materials needed at the Bunche campus and being at Bunche Campus bright and early to open up doors and coolers to obtain all our refreshments for the event, Ms. Andrea Ruiz for providing water to our runners at the station.  Thank you to all the Ladies at Food Services who were present at the event offering our healthy snacks. Thank you all parent volunteers which helped us contact performers and helped put the event together that Saturday morning. Melanie Tennyson (CEO/Head of School), Rosy Alvarado (Principal-Olivier), and all the ISL teachers and staff that ran the race, especially the incredible "Las Teachers" team of racers- Tutty, Myrna, Jamie, Marbel, Evelyn and the "French Turtles"- Romain, Rubens, Jean-Baptiste, Adeline, and many more!

We are so grateful to all our event performers, thank you for making the post-race activities so much fun for all our attendees.  Thank you to Ms. Mariana for her electric Zumba class; it was so much fun, what an amazing play list! Thank you to DJ Javi Reyes for his incredible spinning abilities, the music was enjoyable and airy. Thank you to Nathalie Gomes Adams and Les Rebelles for their marvelous Can Can dance warm up. Thank you to Tiger Rock Martial Arts for their great workshop and demo, the kids were so excited and eager to participate.  Thank you to the Star Wars Characters they made everyone channel the force to complete the race.

A special Thank you goes out to Mr. John Melvin for his professionalism and enthusiasm in handling all scoring and event details at LaSalle Park. Thank you the Richard Reames Trophies for ordering and working with us to make the medals look so appealing for our race winners.  Thank you to H & H Printing for our attractive printed material. Thank you to Ms. Becky Letort for all her services in booking LaSalle Park for our event.

Thank you to all our community supporters for promoting our event and getting on the Health and Wellness wagon with ISL.  Special thanks to Dr. Griggs not only for supporting and promoting our event on air in the morning news and on his radio show, but also for making an appearance and taking pictures with our participants.  Thank you to the Mom’s Blog for posting our event on their beautiful Blog. Thank you to our very own Suzzette at Olivier St. for posting our events in Macaroni Kids newsletter.

A very special thank you to Ms. Melanie Tennyson for her kind water and gift card donation towards our participants.  Thank you to Ms. Dominique Wilson for her donation and support of our ISL event.  Thank you to all who participated in our 6-week Health & Fitness challenge, I hope we all improved our health by drinking water, exercising and taking care of your minds and bodies. 

We are so appreciative for everyone, we hope you know just how much!

Already looking forward to next year! 
See you at the 2016 ISL 5K- Spring Shuffle and remember:
Run Happy, Jog Easy, Stroll Slowly …..Just Shuffle! 



Thank you to our Event Sponsors for making it possible!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Check out the New Orleans Moms Blog

The moms guide to March is now live with exciting information about events all around the Greater New Orleans Area. Check out their blog where the ISL 5K Spring Shuffle is featured this month!

A big Thanks to our community supporters

We want to thank our community supporter Balance Integrative Health for donating a certificate to the ISL 5K Spring Shuffle raffle for their services. Check out their website for more information on how they promote health and wellness to the greater New Orleans area.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Early Package pick up has been moved to Friday


  • Pre-Registration for our ISL 5k-SPring Shuffleclosed on Saturday, February 28th. 

  • Same Day Registration is available at the race, Saturday, March 7th at 7:30am (LaSalle Park- 6600 Airline Dr. Metairie, LA 70003).

  • If you missed the Early Registration deadline of February 20th, you can purchase a T-Shirt at the event for $15/each.

  • 504.229.43745   | | ISL 5K Blog

Monday, March 2, 2015

Important dates


Early Package Pick up
(Bib #s and T-shirts for all those that registered before the deadline)
  • Thursday, MARCH 5th ALL Campuses from 3:00pm-4:30pm(AT DISMISSAL)
  • Saturday, MARCH 7 Day of Event  from 7:30am-8:00am (AT LaSalle Park)

Last Chance

ONLINE and CAMPUS registration is NOW CLOSED

If you missed Pre-Registration, don't forget that

Saturday, March 7 (
LaSalle Park- 6600 Airline Dr. Metairie, LA 70003
(the day of the race)

Sunday, March 1, 2015


6-week Health & Fitness Challenge in preparation for the 
ISL 5k- Spring Shuffle taking place March 7, 2015


(Monday, March 2, 2015 to Sunday, March 8, 2015)

Whether you began with week 1 or this is your first week,
Try these steps for a healthier you!

Your six week challenge is to have a plan to sustain healthy habits!
Fitness CHALLENGE (Part 1): These calm and easy yoga poses will help you increase flexibility and teach you the right breathing techniques to increase endurance while running or completing your physical excise routines. Practice these yoga poses right when you wake up in the morning or before you go to sleep at night for total mind and body relaxation!

(Part 2): Remember these target good behaviors and include them in your daily routines.


Sound mind CHALLENGE (Part 3):
For the last week’s mind challenge we are going to try to sit in silence for three minutes. Sit on a chair making sure your back is straight. Place your hands palm down on top of your knees. Take of your shoes and feel the ground beneath your feet.   Breathe one and let go any thoughts that trouble your mind. Breathe out two letting all the air from your chest escape. Count until ten in your mind, when you get to ten repeat the cycle. Relieve yourself of inner conversation.  Feel that silent space within you which gives you peace, repeat this exercise before going to sleep at night and try to increase the time you spend in silence each week.


Enjoy our healthy breakfast recipe, click here
Don’t forget to share your stories on the BLOG or on Facebook page.
Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. All reasonable care has been used in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. However, please note that ISL does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites and articles and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.

Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and before starting any exercise program or diet plan.

Regular exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles. But if you haven't exercised for some time and you have health concerns, you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
When to check with your doctor
Although moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, is safe for most people, health experts suggest that you talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program if any of the following apply:
· You have heart disease.
· You have asthma or lung disease.
· You have diabetes, or liver or kidney disease.
· You have arthritis.
You should also check with your doctor if you have symptoms suggestive of heart, lung or other serious disease, such as:
· Pain or discomfort in your chest, neck, jaw or arms during physical activity
· Dizziness or loss of consciousness
· Shortness of breath with mild exertion or at rest, or when lying down or going to bed
· Ankle swelling, especially at night
· A heart murmur or a rapid or pronounced heartbeat
· Muscle pain when walking upstairs or up a hill that goes away when you rest
Finally, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you see your doctor before engaging in vigorous exercise if two or more of the following apply:
· You're a man older than age 45 or a woman older than age 55.
· You have a family history of heart disease before age 55.
· You smoke or you quit smoking in the past six months.
· You haven't exercised for three months or more.
· You're overweight or obese.
· You have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
· You have impaired glucose tolerance, also called pre-diabetes.